Clothing and Dress Code


Children will engage in active play and exploration at school. This includes painting, gluing, running, jumping, and climbing. Please, make sure your child is dressed in comfortable clothes and footwear so that s/he can enjoy doing all these activities. Please dress your child in sneakers for physical education days. We provide smocks in Art, but we cannot prevent all stains on the children’s clothing. On gym days, please dress your child in sneakers.

Weather permitting, the children will go outdoors each day to play and develop their gross motor coordination. We make every effort to go outside even in cold temperature days, so we advise parents to dress their children accordingly to the weather forecast.

Please use hats or raincoats instead of umbrellas. Umbrellas are easily lost and in some cases are used inappropriately as a weapon.


We do not have a mandated dress uniform. However, we encourage you to dress your child as comfortable as possible. Sneakers and T-shirts are appropriate while flip flops, crocs, dress boots, and dress shoes are not. Children should be able to manage their clothing alone when using the bathroom. Children should be dressed appropriately for the season (hats, gloves, scarves, etc.) to be ready to go outside every day.

Please, keep items such as expensive jewelry and toys at home. Please make certain all clothing and belongings are labeled with your child’s name and “PS 452” on the inside of the clothing and backpacks/lunchbox. We make every effort, if items are labeled, to return them to you when they are lost. Tank tops or clothing that reveal a bare midriff are prohibited.


Please bring a complete change of clothing for your child in Pre-K, Kindergarten and first grade. All items should be clearly labeled with your child’s name and placed in a plastic bag. When soiled clothes are sent home, be sure to replace them with clean ones the next day. Please, check the clothing every few months to make certain that the clothes still fit and that they are appropriate to the season.