PTA Committees

Learn more about PTA committees and join or ask questions by reaching out to the contact email address provided.

Auction Committee
Co-Chairs: Angie Sweeney & Valerie Leuchs | contact:
Oversees all planning related to the annual spring auction including: selection of date and location, theme, event publicity, solicitations, food/beverage, decorations, and catalog.

Budget Committee
Treasurer: Patrick Xie | Contact:
Crafts and monitors the PTA budget, including making recommendations for allocation of funds. Works with Principal Parker to determine school needs.

Community Service Committee
Chair: Vacant (2) | Contact:
Plans and manages activities centered on giving back and being involved with the community beyond PS 452's doors. See the Community Service page for more information.

Fundraising Committee
Co-Vice Presidents for Fundraising: Reema Kapadia & Jenny Kim | Contact:
Plans and manages various fundraising activities and events throughout the year, including a read-a-thon, book fair, movie nights, and more.

Teacher Appreciation Committee
Chair: Vacant | Contact:
Organizes events throughout the year for teachers and staff including dinners during parent teacher conferences, one or two breakfasts throughout the school year and the activities during the weeklong teacher appreciation week.