Required School Forms
Required School Forms
At the start of the school year, students receive several forms via their backpack kid mail folder that need immediate attention. Families are to return them in their child’s kid mail folder.
Please fill out both sides of this emergency contact card in blue/black in and return it to school as soon as possible. It will be kept in the main office in case of an emergency. This form must be submitted annually with current information. You must list several people who can be contacted in the event the school cannot reach you. Your child will not be released to anyone who is not listed on the card without a note from you so please make sure phone numbers are working and up to date. If numbers change during the school year, it is important that you come in to the main office and make the change to the blue card yourself. If your address changes during the school year, you must bring in two pieces of address verification to the main office so that the new address can be entered in the NYC Dept. of Education database. You must also fill out a new housing questionnaire and blue emergency contact card. During school hours, students can only be released to an adult over the age of 18 that is listed on their blue emergency contact card. All adults must provide photo identification. New families fill out the blue card during pre-registration so will not need to update it in September, unless there have been changes.
SchoolFood Form
Every student must submit a SchoolFood form regardless of whether the student will eat a meal at school. Each school day, New York City Public School students are able to enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch meals. ALL families must complete a SchoolFood form online or request a paper application from the school. For assistance or questions, contact SchoolFood’s Help Desk at 877-363-6325.
Media Waiver Consent Form
Every family must submit a media waiver release form for their child. If you do not consent, simply write “no consent” on the form. New families fill out the form at pre-registration. Media Waiver Consent forms will be sent via the school newsletter or sent home in your child's Kid Mail folder.
Student Dismissal Form
Every family must submit a student dismissal plan. It is the family’s responsibility to communicate to your classroom teacher your child’s dismissal plans. Dismissal forms will be sent home on the first day of school every year.
It is the family's responsibility to communicate to your classroom teacher your child's dismissal plans and any changes throughout the school year. Same day dismissal changes call the school and speak to a staff member who will communicate the change directly to your classroom teachers. Teachers are not checking email during the school day. Student Dismissal forms will be sent home on the first day of school via your child's Kid Mail folder.